Black stainless steel rope net

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In recent years, black oxidation treated stainless steel rope mesh has become more and more popular with the public. How exactly is the black stainless steel rope net formed?

Stainless steel rope net factory is a professional stainless steel rope net, steel wire rope woven zoo net manufacturer. Black stainless steel rope net is also a new product in recent years. Black wire rope mesh is woven into a net using stainless steel primary color rope, and then oxidized.

The so-called oxidation treatment is a special surface treatment process. Steel parts through oxidation treatment on the surface to form a protective oxide film, the main component is magnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4), the color of the film is generally black or blue-black, cast steel and silicon steel are brown or black-brown. Such oxidation treatment not only makes the color of the surface of the rope net very beautiful, but also very durable and will not fade. In the outdoor environment, it can absorb the sunlight of the summer sun, will not reflect, and relieve eye fatigue.

At the same time, the black oxide stainless steel rope mesh also has all the characteristics of the primary color stainless steel rope mesh: the overall structure is simple and durable, the mesh structure, the line is unique, and the mesh surface is very flat. Softness and toughness are very strong, impact resistance, will not deform, in the protective net, has excellent cushioning. Moreover, the black rope net is light-resistant and transparent, and can be integrated with the surrounding environment, which is a very excellent protective and decorative product.

The stainless steel rope mesh can be folded for easy transportation, and the customized size makes installation simple and easy. Black oxidized steel wire rope mesh can be applied to a variety of sites: zoo fences, aviary nets, anti-household nets, decorative nets, etc.

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